Need Help accessing Health and Social Care Services and Funding?
The Talking Teapot is an advice service for patients, families and carers needing help to access services and funding from either Health (CHC) or Social Care. We can advise those who need support at home, residential or nursing home placements, palliative/end of life care, carer’s assessments, direct payments, mobility allowances and much more.
The service is supported by qualified professionals in Health and Social Care volunteering their time and expertise to provide free advice to help local people navigate themselves through the care system, ensuring anyone needing advice can access the assessments, support and funding they need.
If you don’t want to take the free advice and do it yourself, we can offer a case management service. This is a chargeable service which secures support from a dedicated professional with a quote being provided in advance.
The choice is yours, we are happy either way, we just want to help make life a little easier. We understand that you may not live close by the person you are trying to support, but this isn’t a problem as the advice will still apply regardless of where the Local Authority or NHS organisation is located.